Friday 2 November 2012

Looper review- Oh Why? Oh Why

Looper review


The trailers were so amazing and the reviews declared this mindbending thriller as this generation's Matrix but the end result seemed to me a convoluted mess and makes the highly underwhelming final installment of The Matrix Trilogy, Citizen Kane in comparison.

The basic plot is that In 2044 there are hired guns called Loopers who have to report to a certain location where they have to wait for someone who has been zapped from the future and kill them in exchange of silver. Your loop completes when you kill your future self. But for Joe(Joseph Gordon Levitt and Bruce Willis), his loop or his future self escapes when he is zapped and then trouble comes to Joe's doorstep literally.

Sound's ice, doesn't it????
The film was one of the projects which looked great on paper but the execution was bad.( I am looking at you, The Island)

The film is slow and when I say slow, my pet turtle could overtake the pace of the movie and mind you, he hibernates for almost all the time and for a second or so he comes out of the shell to say that I'm alive.

The film was marketed as action in the vein of Inception but except of a scene in the club which doesn't come untill the final act, the film does not have any action

The concept of the movie is nice and throw in the mix some T.K.(Telekinesis), but the film just does not give justice to a very strong concept.

Kudos to the make-up artist to make Joseph look like a younger self of Bruce.

Did I forgot to mention that there is a plot involving Emily Blunt as a single mother with an unstable child. I might have dozed off while writing this review.

The three words that came in my mind after seeing the movie and that was WTF.

Skip It

I am going with one star out of four

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